“Free” - Art Print Dedicated to Helping the Palestinian People

I am not going for a second to try and talk about politics here because that is not my field and others have laid it out better than I ever could. But it is pretty clear to me that when people are suffering, we have to try and help.

Maybe I can’t do much as one person, but I can lean on the power of community to raise some funds and support organizations like IDRF Canada that are working hard to bring food and water to the people of Gaza.

100% of the profits from sales of this piece will be donated to support the Palestinian people. As long as the piece keeps selling, I will keep donating.

I drew the original drawing on a 11x14 inch sheet of smooth Bristol paper, with mechanical pencils. It took around 80 hours of drawing time in total. The color was added digitally.

The piece has too much detail to print well at a smaller size, but I really wanted to make sure there was a more affordable option, so I created a mini-print version in which the artwork is slightly cropped.

Full size edition

Printed on Breathing Color Optica One 300gsm fine art paper
Matte finish, bright white
Full bleed
11x14 inches and larger

Cropped edition

Printed on Breathing Color Optica One 300gsm fine art paper
Matte finish, bright white
Full bleed
8x10 inches


The Tree of Life - art print to support the oceans