About Lidija

The complete opposite of ‘I have been making art as long as I can remember’, I actually started drawing by accident, at the age of 33.

I’m part of that generation of girls who all grew up dreaming of becoming marine biologists… I ended up doing other things but the love of sea life has never left me, and now I am incorporating sea creatures into everything I draw.

As the world is becoming more complex around us, I feel like it makes sense to actively work towards the sort of future we want, which is why I create open series of prints that will forever generate donations for important causes.

I believe in creativity as a force for good, and I love supporting other people on their own creative journeys. I am open to working with clients, contact me here or at lidija.paradinovic (at) gmail.com

If you want to help me use art as a way to change the world, bit by bit, you can browse my print collection here.

Selected Clients

Memac Ogilvy
Bloomsbury Kids Publishing
Stranger & Stranger Design Agency
Canadian Mint
Stronger Sportsgear
Demetres Toronto
Boodles Gin
LBG Design
Copalli Rum